Earthdog Day

(Erm, Sis?  It’s EARTH Day, but great post sweetie!)

Sissy here!  And Gretchie Greer too.  We wanted to tell Mom you about Earthdog Trials.  We aren’t serious diggers, but we hear tails tales about Mugsy, who was a prolific digger.

Sadly, technically, none of us – not me, not Gretch, not even Mugsy – are/were eligible for Earthdog Trials, because we’re not AKC registered.  (Gretchen could be, but Mommy doesn’t like the whole Parson Russell mess, and insists Gretchen is a JACK Russell…)  However, doesn’t it sound like fun?!  It’s a great program that allows those diggin’ dogs to do what they were bred to do in a spot where the humans won’t freak out. 

Sissy & Mugsy, April 2008

We both do love to hunt, but these days, we’re restricted to bugs.  Yeah.  BUGS.  Mommy doesn’t even like that, but nevertheless, we manage to chase moths and stuff all the time.

What do you like to do outdoors?  Or specifically, what do your humans allow you to do outdoors that is big fun?

7 Responses to “Earthdog Day”

  1. Flower Power! « Chan Knits Says:

    […] Thursday, little friday, Thankful Thursday and Earth Day!  Sis and Gretchen have already stuck up a post on their blog, although Sis was a little confused about the name of Earth […]

  2. gaylen Says:

    Hrmph! My humans don’t let me do anything – get out of the ditch Lucy, it’s muddy. Get off the street Lucy – there’s cars coming. I mean really – why bother even taking me for a walk?? Lucy lou – Bloodhound

  3. Sue Says:

    We LOVE to play in the water or even with the hose. We like to dig and chew sticks. We like to weed the garden, but Mom doesn’t like us to do that.

  4. Nichole Says:

    LOVE the pics……. 🙂 I still think Lola wants to play flyball but her Daddy doesn’t think she has the coordination …. and that she’d run off with the ball, never to return!

  5. scrabblequeen Says:

    Sasha loves to chase her ball outdoors as well as in, and Misty will still chase birds out of the yard if someone can be kind enough to point them out to her…poor dear has cataracts, you know….I, Sasha, used to chew every stick and piece of bark I could get my paws, erm, mouth on, but mom made such a fuss after I ended up at the E.R. after indulging in redwood…..

  6. Mary Says:

    Abby and Jake, here. Actually when Dad takes us on our walks (we have him well-trained), I (Abby) like to eat ALLL the grass around everyone’s mailbox. Especially tasty as every other canine in the neighborhood has already marked the spot just for me. Dad and Mom aren’t so appreciative of that fact, however.

    As for me (Jake), Dad is very good about letting me sniff and sniff and sniff, even if it takes ages to get around the 1/2 mile walk several times a day. Of course, Abby likes the walk very fast so Dad’s arms are usually sticking straight out – one forward, one backward. He claims it is like trying to water-ski behind two boats. Silly humans.

  7. Kathy Says:

    Dear Sissy and Gretchen,

    I love to race and rip outdoors. Of course I do enjoy a good race in the house but the humans freak out.

    I managed to open the gate today and took a jaunt to the neighbors. First time I’ve done that and you should’ve heard the shrieking and screaming when the “caretaker” discovered I was missing (rolling eyeballs here) My goodness, now she’s tattlling to my dad about it. geessh…..I came right back. it was no big deal. I’m getting off the computer now, I see the Brat got a treat…..

    paw hugs,
    Mr. Bettis

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